Charcoal Fired Pig Cooker With Gas Burners.
NEW Charcoal Cooker with two propane burners for pots.
Ballcock valves for propane control.
Cooker will maintain 250* to 300* easy.
Thermometer to monitor temperature inside.
Cooker tank is 14 gauge steel .0785".
Enamel Hi-temp paint on cooker cured to 275* once.
Trailer is made of 2"x2"x3/16" steel totally welded.
Tongue is made of 2"x3"x1/4" steel. 1 7/8" coupler.
2,000lb wind-up/fold-up tongue jack. Safty chains.
Upright tank supports are 1"x1"x1/16" steel.
Pressure treated side boards.
Trailer paint is gloss black Rustolem enamel.
New low profile 185/50/15 Kumo tires.
Aluminum Centerline rims and diamond plate fenders.
3,500 lb springs and 3,500 lb axle.
DOT lights and wiring harness with trunk lead.
5" turn back chrome stacks with dampeners.
Heavy duty lift struts with positive stops on lid.
57" x 43" cook surface, 17 sq. feet, big enough for a pig.
Cook surface is 1/8" expanded flattened steel.
Cook surface frame is 1"x1"x1/16" steel angle.
Round rod handles for easy removal of cook surface.
Cast iron charcoal loading doors.
Charcoal grates so fire is not right on the bottom of the tank.
Air intake shutters for fire control.
Clean-out hole on bottom of tank.
Steel mesh propane tank holders.
Steel mesh area for transporting coolers and supplies.
Propane regulators are not attached but are included.
Propane tank is NOT included
$3.400.00 Cash